Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Ouch that Hurt:

I grew up in a household with two younger sisters. We were always at each others throats whenever the time permitted. However, there were times that I did have mercy for them. Those times were when they were getting their hair combed by my mother. Whenever the comb would be thrust back across their scalp they would always scream as if they were getting killed. Their screams for mercy didn't matter to my mom. They would just get accused of being tender headed.
After all of their suffering, they would usually end up in pigtails and barrets.
As an adult, the horrified screaming of little girls getting their hair combed still haunts me. I just pray that if you are a parent that is raising young women please go easy on them when you comb their hair. Their pain and suffering is real !

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Making An Investment

I heard this tale years ago when I was a teenager:

Once upon a time, a farmer went on a regular routine into town to buy groceries. While he was at the local market store, he came across a homeless man that held a sign that read " Out of Work. Will work for food!"
The farmer thought about the wood at his home that he needed to have chopped so he decided to take the man up on his offer.
After the farmer had left the man to do the work for an hour, he decided to go and check on him.
The farmer became furious because the work was being poorly done.
He said to the man, " Why are you not doing this job well? I thought that you could do the work?"
The man replied, " Feed Me! I have no energy!"
The farmer took the man inside and he fed him.
After the man had finished eating, he went outside to finish the job.
A couple of hours later, the farmer went back to check on the man.
The farmer was so impressed with the job that man had done that he wanted to hire him full time as a ranch hand.
The moral of this story is this: Sometimes the best investment that you can make is not in the stock market, it is making an investment into your fellow man. Not everything that looks good on paper will always pan out.
However, when you learn to look into the eyes of people and really look deep into their character, you may find out that they are worth more than meets the eye.

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Who You Gonna Call?

Whenever I go to see my maternal grandmother we get on the phone and just start calling random people that know her. I give her that opportunity because it is a privilege that she does not use while she is in the nursing home. It makes her smile and it moves me up in the ranks of the cool grand kids ! We are starting to run out of numbers to call because a lot of people have either died or have to work.
Nevertheless, there is no price tag that you can put on good quality time spent with the ones that you love.