Sunday, October 11, 2020

A Beautiful Surprise

 On October 10, 2020, I received the greatest gift from my father Johnny Joe Gulley in many years. 

At the age of 43, he decided to host my first birthday party. I did not grow up with my father so this moment was huge! 

Since COVID-19 was still very active at the time, we decided to have the event outside at my cousin Cal's home.

Approximately 20 or so people including children, arrived at random times to help join in the fun. 

Words can't begin to express how loved my family made me feel.
We ate good food and listened to radio station104.5 as we played dominoes.
During the first game, one of them shouted out, " You can't play dominoes. You are just matching colors." I am not going to lie. I was a tad bit hurt by that statement.
Keep in mind that the first few hands that I had were terrible.
Since I was the low man on the board, I had to get up to let someone else play.
In the second game that I played, I sought vengeance. In the end, I emerged victoriously.
I left them being a winner!
We took plenty of pictures to document this event to share with my friends across the globe via the Facebook website. Overall, I had fun and I was proud of my dad for hosting the event for me.
He said that he wanted to continue this tradition for many years to come. 
I pray that God will allow us to share many more birthdays such as this in the years ahead.