Saturday, April 25, 2020


On April 20, 2020, I had finally received the $1200 Economic Impact Stimulus check in the mail that was promised to us by President Donald J. Trump. 
So the next day, I decided to take a trip to Walmart and make good use of the money that I was given.
While I was in there buying up some random things, this young woman and her child asked me to buy them some food and household items. 
I agreed to do so because the money that I was given had been a blessing to me. 
Therefore, I saw this as a chance for me to pay it forward. 
She followed me in the store to pick up household items. However, she started to throw the more expensive items into my basket.
I told her that I did not mind helping her, but I would be in charge of what she would receive since I was the one that was footing the bill.
She got upset and then she said that she would continue to ask other people. Then she disappeared.
This left me in a confused state for a minute, because I had gone out of my way to help her with her needs but she had the nerve to refuse my help because she could not get what she wanted.
I am a charitable person, but I will not be used.
There is an old saying that "beggars can't be choosers." I sincerely hope that she was able to receive the help that she needed, but she missed out on her blessing with me. 

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