Sunday, April 24, 2016

The Show Must Go On !

One of the best memories that I had from my years at Ida Burns Elementary School was when in 1986 Jason Furguson and I performed Run DMC's hit song "It's Tricky" on stage during a talent show on Enrichment Day.
I remember it very well because the state of Arkansas was celebrating it's sesquicentennial. We came out on stage walking like Egyptians. I could not dance to save my life at that time. The only reason that I even agreed to get on the stage is because Jason was a good friend of mine and he needed someone to join him on stage. I could not let him down. I can still see the image of myself dancing across the stage in those out of style bell bottoms. Growing up poor sure did suck !
Somewhere someone has that footage from that event. I would pay good money to have a copy of it. If my memory serves me right, I think that we won that year ! Fun times.