Saturday, June 2, 2018

My First Experience With Odd Women

When I was around 19, I had just completed Marine Combat Training and I was sent to my MOS School in Ft. Leonardwood, Missouri. 
It was around November of 1996, during my first weekend at school, that a group of Marines and I took a cab to the local Enlisted Men's Club to let off some steam. 
It was there that I met Jackie. She was a fair skinned young lady with jet black hair. She was absolutely gorgeous. In  high school, I would have never had the courage to step up and speak to her.
The Marine Corps gave me a sense of courage that I had never had before. It was at this moment that I chosen to try and see if this woman would give me her phone number. 
It was in the middle of our conversation that she said, " Hey baby, come closer. I want to tell you something." Several sexual thoughts began to race across my mind. Then she whispered something into my ear drums that would leave me dumbfounded.  She said, " I don't like men." 
Right about that time is when my little head descended and the head that was attached to my shoulders went off in rage by spewing several obscene words at her. And then I got up and left the bar.
Several minutes later, Tina walks over to me. 
Tina was Jackie's girlfriend. She says, " Hey dude. I saw that you were over there talking to that girl. I am a lesbian and I like to lick her here, here, and here." 
I looked at her and I said, " Really? I think that I might be a lesbian too, because I want to do that same thing to her !" 
She began to laugh hysterically. She gave me her phone number and then she said,"From now on, you are going to be our man!" 
From that day forth, I was indeed their man. 
Every weekend, until I left that duty station, they would come and pick me up and we would stroll around the town with one of them on each of my arms. 
They would fondle me and kiss me in public. At that point in my life, I had never felt so special when it came to women. 
They were the best wing women ever.  
I have not seen or even heard from them in over 20 years. I will forever be in their debt for making me look good to my peers at that time.